Part-Time Student Enrollment

A part-time student is a student who is enrolled in 1-4 classes.  More than four classes are considered to be full-time and will incur full-time tuition rates.  

Costs: The price per class is $850 per year. Since we are adjusting our planning to accommodate your student, tuition is non-refundable except in the event of a life-changing event such as a move, illness of the student, or other such event.

All students, part-time and full-time must pay registration fees/technology fees in the amount of $430.  This fee is non-refundable. 

Middle School students may enroll in any middle school classes. Due to the nature of a self-contained class, part-time elementary students may enroll in special classes only (PE, music, band, art, or Spanish).  If a class is at capacity (22 from K-2 and 25 from 3-8), no part-time students will be accepted.  

Uniform: Students in a special class  (Gym,  Art) do not need to wear a uniform for these classes.  Dress should match free-dress standards according to the student handbook. Students enrolled part-time in any core/fine arts classes (Band, Technology, Math, MS Spanish, MS Life Skills, Science, History, Religion, or ELA) must wear uniforms according to the student handbook.

Student code of conduct is expected to be the same for part-time and full-time students.  Parents should refer to the handbook for more information.

If you are interested in part-time enrollment for your child, please reach out to Office Manager Angelina Mitus at or Principal Laura Wilkowski at