Parish Leadership

Saint Brigid Parish encourages parishioner involvement in many areas of leadership. Please consider utilizing your gifts and skills.

Pastoral CouncilFinance CouncilOutreach SubcommitteeFormation SubcommitteeWorship SubcommitteeHospitality Subcommittee

The Parish Council is an advisory and consultative body to the pastor.  In working with the pastor, the Council reflects with him on matters that affect the entire parish. The Council should be a visionary, pace-setting group able to plan for the future, as well as make decisions in the present for the whole parish.   It is made up of a wide representation of the parish, having both at-large members and members representing each of the three Commissions. In addition to coordinating the work of the three Commissions and the Administration Committee, the Council at present has two standing committees: Stewardship and Social.

The Council generally meets on the third Wednesday of each month in the Faith Formation Library. Contact Chairman Pat Gipson with your questions or to add to the agenda.

The Finance Council carries the responsibility for the material administration of the parish and, to this end, may recruit help to acquire the services that will enhance the effectiveness of the Committee. Among the duties of the Committee are reviewing the annual budget and preparing monthly and annual fiscal status reports. The Committee also oversees and approves major expenditures for the operation of the physical plant and serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor on major decisions.

The Finance Council meets the second Wednesday of each month. You may direct your questions or feedback to Cathy Leikhim.

The Programs and Services Outreach team assists the Pastor and pastoral team in developing, promoting, coordinating, and evaluating all parish service activities. The Commission strives to identify the spiritual and material needs of persons within and beyond the parish, particularly the needs of the poorest of the poor, whether or not of the Catholic faith. Once identified, they acknowledge these needs, initiate new programs, and modify current programs to mobilize a meaningful response that enhances the dignity and well being of the members of the parish and the community at- large.

We are proud to host an annual Thanksgiving Dinner for the community among many other efforts supported by the parish contributions.

Christian Service questions, suggestions and feedback may be directed to Alice Fitzgibbon

To intensify the faith commitment of the Saint Brigid Parish family, the Education and Formation Commission (EFC) acts in an advisory capacity to the catechetical, educational, and spiritual formation programs. The purpose of this commission is “to discern the vision for Catholic Christian education and formation.” Members are made up of school parents, religious education parents, and parish at large. They work with the Director of Faith Formation and the school principal.

This commission has been inactive, if you would like to help reinvigorate the commission contact Bailey Delaney

The mission of the Programs and Services Worship Subcommittee is to draw the Saint Brigid Parish family into deeper communion with God and one another by exploring the meanings of shared faith and life experience. The Worship and Spiritual Life Commission works with the pastor in planning and executing the liturgical seasons. Members of the Commission are concerned with prayer, the prayer environment of the church, the necessary liturgical ministries, and the way in which all these elements come together to enhance prayer.

The Commission meets on the second Wednesday of the month. If you want to join or contribute contact Barbara Hendrickson

The Programs and Services Hospitality Subcommittee supports the life of Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish by community building through social events and celebrations. This committee promotes family, fellowship and good old-fashioned fun through parish events such as the annual Parish Picnic and many other events throughout the year. The Social Committee is an extension of the Parish Council and operates under the guidelines of the Parish Council.

The Social Committee meets monthly on the second Wednesday.  Please direct your thoughts to Barb Rice.