Catholic Homeschool Mom’s Retreat

Are you feeling in need of renewal as you navigate this homeschooling journey? Join us for a special mid-year retreat designed just for you! Take a break, refresh your spirit, and deepen your connection with God as you learn how to rely on His grace in homeschooling.

Through prayer, reflection, and fellowship, we will explore how God’s power is made perfect in our “yes” to Him—our Fiat.

Vocation Chalice

Pray, sacrifice and discuss vocations in your family. Sign up now to reserve the Vocation Chalice for you family for a week. There are daily intentions provided to pray together as a family, along with daily discussion topics and sacrifices.

Reflections on Discipleship

“…as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must forgive.”
Colossians 3:13

Forgiveness – one of the hardest things for people to do. It’s amazing how long we can hold a grudge or be angry with someone. As we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family, take this opportunity to give the gift of forgiveness to someone – maybe someone in your family , maybe a friend, maybe a coworker or neighbor or, maybe yourself.

Pick up the phone or text someone right now.