Our Paths Will Soon Part

I will be honest the most difficult announcement I have ever shared was the news that I would be departing Saint Brigid to assume pastoral leadership of Sacred Heart Parish in Mount Pleasant.  We have been walking together now for 7 years!  What a grace these years have been for me.  These have been good years for both me and the community, and I know there could be more good years.  Yet I also know that I must follow the Lord.  So while it is sooner than any of us expected our paths will part.

I will remember the graces of being challenged to grow in holiness by my parishioners: The freedom from guilt and shame which led to a transformation in my body too.  I thank you for calling me to follow the Lord more closely.  I will also remember the joy of sharing in successes with the parish and school.  Paying down our debt ahead of schedule, raising $1.75 million for the Cardinal Hickey Endowment for Saint Brigid School, founding our Saint Brigid Parish Endowment and the countless investments we made in our facilities together.  Thank you!

If there is one lesson I want all of you to remember is that our journey with the Lord is never alone.  While we will part ways, when we follow Jesus the destination is certain!  Fr. Stephan arrives July 1 and I know that with his leadership you will continue to be a community that spreads the life of Christ.

Please continue to pray for me as I make this turn on my journey. Never forget you are not alone when you walk with Jesus!  Don’t be afraid to when people notice either.  Jesus is with us and His Church is a very good place to be.  Thank you!

Fr. Andy Booms