Baptism of Infants and Young Children

Dear Parents:

We are happy to invite you and your family to the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism at Saint Brigid Parish. The Sacrament of Baptism is such a great gift, not only for the newly baptized, but for their entire family and the parish community. During the Sacrament of Baptism, the parents, godparents and entire congregation are called upon to remember our own baptismal vows and the grace with which we have been blessed.  We also vow to support the faith journey of the baptized to help them realize their full, God-given potential.

We are inviting parents/guardians to model for their children what it means to grow in faith and grace by experiencing the fullness of sacramental life for themselves. We encourage families seeking baptism of their children to have one or both parents who are fully initiated into the Catholic faith, having received the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Eucharist, Confirmation, (RCIA), and Matrimony.

There is no greater way for families to support their children’s faith journey than to live a full and faithful life as a family. There is no greater way for Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish to support children, than to strengthen their families through faith. We are deeply committed to being a source of support, beauty, and faith for you and your children for generations to come

Having My Child Baptized at Saint Brigid

  • Before we receive any sacrament, the Church asks us to go through a period of preparation. This makes us ready to celebrate the sacrament with our whole self and with full awareness. Saint Brigid’s Baptismal Preparation process is as follows:
    • Please fill out this form detailing general information about you and your child.
    • Contact Bailey Delaney, Director of Faith Formation, to schedule an initial meeting. This meeting will consist of processing your baptismal form, outlining the sacramental process, and informing parents of the responsibilities Baptism entails. Bailey can be reached via email at
    • Complete instructional material regarding the Sacrament of Baptism at home. This will be given to you during your first meeting.
    • Meet a second time with Bailey to discuss the completed content, address any questions, and schedule a date for the Baptism of your child.
    • The celebration of the Sacrament! Your child will ordinarily be baptized during a Sunday Liturgy (outside the Seasons of Advent and Lent) in the presence of the full community of Saint Brigid. This is an exciting moment as your child will be welcomed as the newest member of the Roman Catholic Church, 1.3 billion strong worldwide.

Guidelines for the Reception of Baptism and the Selection of Godparents

Please use the following link to view the guidelines